February 26, 2015

Know Whether You Need To Hire a WordPress Developer, a WordPress Programmer or a WordPress Designer


Who really is a WordPress Developer or designer or a programmer? Can one be all? Most people blur the line. While it’s a topic of hot debate, we can help you break down these terms into what they really mean and their relationship with each other.

WordPress developer

Building WordPress websites, a developer’s core job is to lay out plans, help implement them and come up with solutions. For example, a Salon owner might want to provide options of booking appointments online, so they just have to hire a WordPress developer and have him set up the booking functionality. WordPress developers are the visionaries and architects of the website.

When need arises for changes to be made anywhere on the website, developers might recommend ready-made templates or a premium plugin to be used, which they can configure for you. However, for more customized solutions, you might have to consider hiring a WordPress designer.

In a nutshell, WordPress Development Services focus on creating technically sound websites with clean codes. To make the site visually appealing too, one would need a designer.

WordPress designer

Much of a designer’s job is creative. An expert designer knows how to turn a design concept into a live WordPress theme. If all you want is to make your site appear visually more attractive without changing any of its functionally, a WordPress designer will suffice the job.

With the help of graphics and graphic design software, a web designer can change the ‘look and feel’ of the website. When backed with clean coding, the design comes to life online.

WordPress programmer

A WordPress programmer is a field expert who has an experience with the requirements and codes used in the WordPress themes. For most people reading this, it is advisable that they hire a web developer and let him make the decision if a programmer is required. Mostly, you can directly work with programmers only if you are very advanced at WordPress. A good developer would mostly suggest you to use/tweak existing themes and plugins, depending upon your requirement.

Why should you outsource WordPress Development/Customization to experts?

While most websites would be comfortable using ready-made WordPress themes for design and free plugins for functionality, some people would want to acquire the best user interface. Such website owners opt for experts.

It actually doesn’t even make sense that you spend thousands of hours learning codes, if you don’t plan to do it as a career. Come up with the ideas, focus on what you are good at, and leave the implementation part for the experts.

At TechnoScore, our dedicated WordPress Developers and SEO experts work in conjunction to deliver optimal solutions. When you hire WordPress Developer from TechnoScore, our Dedicated WordPress Developers ensure a solid online presence and also, reduces your operational cost.


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