April 1, 2022

How to Build a Business Website for SMBs

Website Development for SMBs

Own a small business? Wish to reach more customers and provide them with the best customer experience? To give a good start to a small business, you need a website with an easy-to-use interface. It can be the right step to grow and succeed. Read on to know the importance of a business website that can take you to the top of the competition.

The market has changed due to coronavirus in the past years. During a pandemic, people started relying on online businesses. The customers who hesitated in buying things online prefer online shopping to avoid social contact. From daily essentials to luxurious items, everything is available online. Considering the present scenario, Nasdaq predicted that 95% of online purchases are possible by the year 2040.

Table of contents
  • How to get a website designed for a new business?
  • Steps to create a perfect business website for SMBs
  • How SMBs find and select a web development company?
  • Trending programming languages to build SMBs website
  • How long does it take to develop a website for SMBs?
  • How much does it cost to create a website for SMBs?
  • How did websites help businesses during the Pandemic?
  • Final words

How to get a website designed for a new business?

website design services

When starting a small and medium business, owners should reserve a budget for outsourcing web development services. A business website is important to manage your online presence. Informing customers about brand value, websites help in increasing sales. To build the best website, select a domain name and secure web hosting.

Nowadays, you can simply hire a web developer to build a website. They can prepare the outline of the website through advanced tools like WordPress. It provides you with a variety of template designs. After selecting a design, you can add more features through add-ons and extensions. Now, you can keep the site updated by posting the required information at short intervals. In addition, make sure your site speed is sufficient to enhance the search engine ranking.

Steps to Create a Perfect Business Website for SMBs

SMBs website create steps

Nowadays, from startups to leading businesses, everyone has a website. It provides a wide range of benefits to small and medium businesses. Due to the website, businesses have grown exponentially in less time. Besides promoting and selling their products and services, websites have given businesses a chance to establish their identity. A business website can provide recognition to a freelance photographer too. This builds trust among customers and results in an increase in sales.

With the availability of website development platforms such as WordPress, many small businesses build websites. According to a survey, it is noted that 32% of businesses try website building platforms to create a website. If you are also planning to create a website for your new startup, you can use WordPress. Focus on the following points to create a website with an easy-to-use interface.

Decide the goal of the website

With a business website, you can share information about your firm with customers. The website must clearly state the nature of the business. While designing the website, focus on the user experience. A website with an easy user interface holds the customers and increases the chances of orders.

Choose a domain name

A unique domain name is essential for every business. An easy-to-remember name can become the link between you and customers. A unique brand name can be used for promotion on social media.

Pick the best web host

It is necessary to pick the best web hosting provider to run a website. The website files get stored in web spaces. The data is accessible to the public throughout the time. For a small business, you can choose a shared web host. Here, you will share a server with other websites and pay less. If you plan for dedicated hosting, it can be expensive. In this case, you will get your server.

Build your pages

When designing a website, create multiple pages dedicated to products or services. With detailed information on every page, you can guide customers about the quality of products or services. Also, get a logo designed to provide an identity to the business.

Set up your payment system

The payment option might not be required in every business. If it applies to your business, you can provide it. Businesses can integrate electronic payment systems to make the payment option easy. Before announcing that the site is live, ensure it works properly on different browsers.

Market your website on social media

Social media is the best platform to promote an online business. Diverse platforms can reach more customers. For organic promotion, you can attach a link on social media. Generally, the links are in the footer.

Invest in SEO

In addition to an attractive website, SEO strategies can improve the results. Appropriate meta descriptions, title tags also play a role in boosting the rankings. It is vital to choose the trending set of keywords. According to the nature of the business, you can select the relevant keywords.

You can regularly publish blogs and use internal links. Use the links strategically across the website to gain attention. In addition to content, optimizing images is also necessary. It is better to compress images and videos for maximum speed.

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How SMBs Find and Select a Web Development Company?

Hire web developers to get more ideas to promote business and reach more customers. The professionals imply diverse strategies to load the website fast in a secure manner. For the best services, SMBs (small and medium businesses) can examine the approach of companies. They can check the projects delivered by them. The quality can be judged through the solutions provided by web developers in the past.

If you are planning for a new startup website, you can hire experts from a leading web development company. They can also help businesses to improve websites when planning to expand at the local or global level. A well-designed website increases the professional credibility of a business. Moreover, a properly optimized website provides maximum leads and conversions.

Communicate and Collaborate

Before starting any project, it is essential to have a detailed discussion related to the project. During the initial meetings, you can directly communicate with the concerned professional. You should know the methods of communication used and who is the person answerable for queries and feedback.

Look for Back-end Development and More Services

Besides coding and programming, diverse steps are involved in web development. You can look for the companies providing services in both website designing and development. For better services, it is wise to rely on a company offering various services. Getting all the services under the same roof would lessen your burden and provide accurate results.

Ask for Work Samples

When partnering with a web development company, you can consider the reviews by previous customers. Feedback from the clients can make the picture clear. This gives an idea about the availability of professionals, their responsiveness, and project management.

web development companies India

Assess their team expertise

It would be better to examine the capability of available resources. With good knowledge of the front-end and back-end, web developers can provide the best results. According to the requirements, you can hire Scrum masters, QA engineers, and more.

Calculate the budget

When hiring a team of developers, it is wise to calculate the investment. Analyze the requirements of your project and get an idea of the cost. You should focus on your requirements and avoid wasting money on flashy elements.

Consider the web hosting service

It is important to understand whether the web development company is providing a dedicated hosting platform or a shared one. You should also gather information about how often the backup of the site is available? How long is the backup retained, and the speed of the hosting platform? With answers to such questions, you can select the best developers in the industry.

Also Read: Top Web Development Companies in India to look out for website development in 2022

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Trending Programming Languages to Build SMBs Website

To design the most attractive website, it is essential to select the best programming language. An excellent choice of computer language facilitates rapid project development. It enables the development team to use the best features with few efforts.

Web Programming Languages


PHP is one of the widely used programming languages to build a website. It examines the data provided to the web application. A PHP developer works on security subjects such as RIPS.


One of the most trending languages in today’s world is Python. This gives developers the freedom to use various programming styles such as functional, reflective, and more to create programs. Python made it easy to design diverse digital tools and platforms.


JavaScript holds supremacy among all programming languages. When combined with HTML5, JavaScript is widely used for developing games. JS library provides simple solutions for rich graphics.


It is one of the most object-oriented programming languages used to write concepts that can run on different platforms. Java is widely used to create Android websites, applications, and scientific applications.


CSS, known as cascading style sheets, is used in combination with HTML. It decides the size, position, and color of various page elements. It controls the site’s appearance, while HTML organizes the website.


SQL is one of the trending programming languages. SQL refers to Structured Query Language, which ensures communication with databases. Using SQL, developers can effectively manage the data.


A HyperText markup language is the most used language for various websites. It is used by 90.7% of websites belonging to various domains.


A web-focused programming language, Ruby helps professionals to automate programs. The language gives the flexibility to write scripts. In addition, it provides efficiency in writing functional codes.


It is a TypeScript-based front-end platform that enables you to build apps. Developers can build applications for mobile or desktop using Angular.


.NET, a popular framework is used to develop a myriad of applications. These apps can be used on mobile or windows-based applications. The collection of predefined class libraries supports simple and complex data structures.

Also Read: Want to know which is the best technology for your website?

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How Long does it take to Develop a Website for SMBs?

The length of the duration can vary according to the requirements of the projects. There are various things that you should take care of. One of the most important things is to gauge the requirements while creating a plan, which will take around one or two weeks. It is good to hire a professional, but you should possess good knowledge of the requirements of your website. Listening to their views does not mean it is mandatory to follow them. You should use your knowledge to make the final decision. After this, you can plan for starting with the website design. This will take around one to three weeks. With a plan of action, you can decide the website’s design. With the help of dedicated web designers, you can prepare a plan for your website.

In the development phase, the team will use the information provided for the website. It will take a couple of months to fully develop a website for a small business. During this phase, it is important to remain in touch and keep an eye on how things are progressing. During the final step, you need to take a review. In a couple of weeks, you can officially complete the website. Here, you can check that the website matches your plan of action. At this stage, you might only come across minor issues that can be fixed easily.

Overall, it also depends on how soon the developers can start working on the project? If they are working on a project, they might need time to finish it. While working on a website, developers can generally provide you with a rough idea of how long it will take for a website to get live. Finally, it also depends on you (customer). The amount of time taken by you to review the website, finalize the content, and make the changes can extend the time duration.

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Outsourcing Web & Application Development

How much does it cost to create a website for SMBs?

Do not forget that a website is your online storefront, so it needs proper attention. No matter whether you operate the business offline, online, or both, it is wise to get an online platform. This is a way to present your business in the best professional manner.

The average price of creating a small business website may vary depending on the number of pages, features, and functionality. The cost will also include the charges for buying a domain name, the design of the website, and more factors. Usually, the first thing to be considered is the number of pages. According to the requirements of businesses, there can be various pages. In addition, the businesses may also require contact forms. Some companies prefer to gather information about the visitors.

In addition, one of the most important things is creating an online store for a small business. The website should have an eCommerce functionality. Depending on the category of products, various products can be added to the website. After creating different sections, businesses can also add payment gateways. This will make the buying process convenient for customers. Using debit or credit cards, customers can make payments easily.

Many businesses take advantage of their small business websites by adding blogs to share information. They can provide business updates and industry-related articles to share with readers. Through relevant keywords, you can share content for search engines and attract more traffic to your website. This will help in building a stronger online presence.

In the end, the cost of a website depends on various factors such as the number of pages, what features you require, and whether you want an online store. According to the available resources and options, the price of a website might differ.

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How did Websites Help Businesses during the Pandemic?

During the pandemic, many small businesses shut down as they could not reach customers. This was the time when business owners realized the worth of websites. It was the only possible medium to interact with customers. A web presence enables businesses to reach more customers and increase sales. Through websites, businesses could gain recognition even in the hard times. The website became a platform to provide details of products to customers. Moreover, the customers prefer the convenience of online shopping. In this way, websites became a helping hand to businesses in reaching customers.

Online presence has become essential for all small and medium businesses. It is an essential step for businesses to adapt to the new market trends. According to a study by Oberlo, it is noticed that 51% of small business owners decided to go online to interact with clients. The internet helps in reaching out to more customers, selling products, and keeping the business alive.

Final Words

Generally, when starting a small business, owners cut down all unnecessary expenses. While reducing the expenses, they should understand what is necessary for a business to run. For instance, a website can help your business to grow. Understanding the importance of a website, you can start with a well-designed website covering all details of your business.

A website can improve the visibility of a business, lead generation, and turn audiences into potential buyers. The experts in the industry recommend starting a website with shared hosting plans. After gaining success, they can upgrade the business and get website templates prepared.


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