July 5, 2014

Finally, An Exclusive Touch-optimized Office App for Android Tablets Is Coming This Year!

Microsoft Office App for Android Tablets

An exclusive Microsoft Office app for Android-powered tablets is coming this fall!

After launching its office suite of apps on iPad in March 2014, Microsoft has come up with another big news of exclusive Office App for Android tablets. This announcement comes almost a year after the launch of Office for Android Smartphones.

Slated for a late 2014 release, Office for Android tablets will encompass Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Android tablet users who had to opt for third party applications like Google Docs and were longing for an exclusive Office app for their tablets are more than happy with the news.

Microsoft is currently preparing a private Beta test for the Android tablet version of Office app. Both companies and individuals can participate and register their interest in testing the pre-release versions of Office for Android tablets on Microsoft’s SharePoint Site. The pre-release versions will include all of Microsoft’s productivity suite like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, Publisher, Visio, and OneNote.

Just like its counterpart on iPad, the touch-optimized Office app for Android tablets will be available for free. But many enhanced features, including editing documents, would be available as in-app purchases. Microsoft’s Office app for iPad racked up 27 million downloads in a mere 46 days of its launch. Although Microsoft was a little late to the party, it has made up for it by taking care of iOS and is now all set to recover for its losses by targeting Android next. The company is pinning its hope on the popularity and the features of the Office suite to encourage people for subscribing the in-app purchases.

Keep visiting our blog to stay abreast of the latest news in the mobile apps development landscape. If you would like to get an exclusive Android app or a cross-platform app developed, kindly write to us at info@technoscore.com.



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