April 30, 2018

Cloud Business Intelligence: A Solution that is Much More than a Trend

Cloud Business Intelligence

Gartner forecasts the global business intelligence and analytics market to reach an astounding $22.8billion mark by the end of 2020. Despite the fact that business intelligence is not a new found realm, its consistent evolution calls for the recurring need of organizations to maintain, replace and update their BI systems and solutions.

In general, BI solutions require on-site hosting by an expert team. However, taking into account the maintenance costs involved, it can turn out to be a costly errand for your company. Being cost effective, cloud solutions facilitate much better data storage and advanced insights.

Scepticism engulfing Business Intelligence Cloud Solutions

The cybersecurity risks that off-site cloud storage is prone to often create a sense of doubt regarding its use.

Hybrid multi-cloud: The solution

In order to chide away the doubt surrounding cloud, storing certain highly sensitive data in a hybrid cloud environment- in company’s servers, private cloud and third party service providers is quite likely to gain a widespread traction.

Sources: Forbes, Gartner and Dresner Advisory Services

In order to make BI, a foundation for your business growth- price your products adequately, determine the success of your marketing strategies, etc., and facilitate an enhanced ROI, opting for business intelligence service provider is a prudent option.

Benefits of Business intelligence cloud solutions

In addition to cost-effectiveness, BI has a host of other advantages-

  • Ease of use- User-friendly dashboards facilitate ease of access.
  • Mobile-friendliness- Irrespective of time and place, your data can be accessed anywhere across devices.
  • Scalability- As the scope of your company’s operations expands, new users can be easily added.

You can opt for Business intelligence services in order to seek expert help to uncover new opportunities, and curb any threat before it causes any serious damage.

We are just a click away!

If you are looking for a reliable business intelligence solution provider, you can safely place your trust in us and get rewarded with actionable business insights. For knowing more about our umbrella of development services, feel free to scribble a few words about your requirements at info@technoscore.com


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