January 15, 2019

5 Web Design Trends That Will Rule 2019

Web Design & Development Company

The digital world never ceases to surprise us, launching new technologies, upgrades and revolutionizing the way things are done. The year 2018, as a matter of fact, saw numerous major changes. From the launch of WordPress 5.0– sporting the all new Gutenberg Editor to Magento version 2.3 with a major overhaul, the year ended on a high note.

Considering the year bygone, 2019 seems to be a lot more promising with numerous exciting advancements. Although predicting the future of the highly volatile online industry is a tricky affair, but a fair and well-weighed forecast can be drawn by observing the trends that ruled the year 2018.

In today’s post, we’ll be looking at some eye-catching web design trends for 2019 that are going to be a big hit. But how do these new design trends emerge? Basically, these new design trends appear naturally when designers play with the designs and explore the unexplored aspects to produce something to which viewers will react well or due to the introduction of some new technology or developments in the SEO. Further, some of the trends can be attributed as a response to breaking away from mainstream web design trends. So, here are some popular web designing trends that you might have noticed. Many of them are gradually gaining momentum to become the next trend in the time to come.

1. Bid Adieu – Interstitials Or Pop-Ups

Interstitials might seem like an alien term to you, but you would probably have seen them as a user or must have used them as a Web Design & Development Company. These are images, web forms, a block of colors or any other interruptions you encounter while browsing a web page, asking you to sign-up for a newsletter, follow them on social media or simply download something.

Interstitials or pop-ups are loathed by almost every online user, as it diverts the attention from a page’s main content and rather focuses on the promotion. But convincing the designers and developers to quit its usage during a website or web application development have been a tough task, as interstitials are an easy method to engage the users to make them interact with the brand. Now, whether it really promotes engagement or irritates the users, is something that has been difficult to comprehend as users tend to simply click pass the interstitials to the main content.

However, back in 2017, Google released guidelines to limit the usage of interstitials, forcing the designers to be considerate while using it on the web pages. It even went on to penalize the websites not following the guidelines, affecting the SEO rankings. As SEO is a key player in making a website’s online presence, expect to see fewer nosy interstitials over time.

2. Revival Of Gradients

A gradient in designing is a slow and smooth shift in the shades of the same color or from one color to another in a specific visual setting. Great for providing visual depth and invoke interest, it has been a favorite in the web designing domain.

Revival Of Gradients

Realizing the shift from the mainstream and need for new design trends, designers are slowly doing away with the classic gradients and adopting something new: gradients with clearly visible color distinctions. Many modern web designers have already adopted this new style and you can expect to see more of this in the year to come.

3. Grids Afresh

For many years grids have been a crucial part of the modern web designs. It not only help designers lend a dedicated space to the different elements of a website but also ensure the users get a clear understanding of the webpage.

Grids Afresh

However, with users getting so much used to seeing grids on every other website, these can turn out to be a little mundane, calling for a dire need for a fresh look and feel on a website. Designers often experiment with different styles- including broken grids, to create a new look. Grid re-designing requires a balance between innovation and visual elements, and broken or unconventional grids have been labeled as disoriented by many users. Only a skilled web designer knows the right way to use this disorientation in a manner that complements the overall design.

4. Serifs Are Back!

Vogue online have been using Sans serif fonts for years and web designers have loved them for its easy onscreen readability and modern outlook. On the contrary, Serifs may feel somewhat stuffy and conventional. But the tide is slowly turning with designers starting to use it again. Besides offering a sophisticated look, over the time, Serifs have become subtle enough to offer a unique experience to the users.

On important thing to bear in mind, while using Serifs is, it can be a little strenuous for onscreen reading. This could be one of the reasons, why many designers still shy away from adopting it. The most appropriate use of it then would be as an accent to San-serif body text, for example, in a heading, sub-heading or logo text.

5. Diagonal Breaks

Horizontal breaks have been in use since the early days of designing. And it won’t be wrong if you argue that the standard grid lines are nothing but vertical breaks. Users are tired of seeing web pages arranged at sleek right angles. So it isn’t a surprise to see the web designers turning towards diagonal breaks as these also complement the trending unconventional grid designs.

Together they offer a pleasing UI, create action and visual effects to engage with the users and render distinct user-experience than the conventional pages with neat grids.

Wrap Up

In a nutshell, the web designing trends in 2019 have a lot in store. It will be exciting to see how things are going to unfold and what new designers and developers are going to do to push the limits in 2019. However, one thing’s for sure, like the last year, 2019 is going to surprise us with some new and out-of-the-box designs.

Do you also know some latest web designing trends that you think we have skipped mentioning in this insightful post? Or, do you have a unique idea for your website, different than the ongoing trends? Why not have a quick discussion with the professional web designers? Why not discuss with the professional web designers? Connect with the experts at TechnoScore. Simply drop an email at info@technoscore.com and get a free consultation.


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