November 30, 2021

385+ clients agree hiring web and mobile app developers remotely can save upto 70% cost – Survey by TechnoScore


The Covid-19 epidemic has afflicted the world significantly. It has impacted the work methodology on a worldwide scale, among other things. This brings the remote work methodology into the picture. Many businesses around the globe have adopted the “Work from Home” strategy. Although this practice existed before the epidemic, the difficult circumstances forced us to see how remote working might improve effectiveness and competitiveness. Consequently, many corporations are turning to remote developers for their future endeavors.

According to the research done by businesswire– IT outsourcing market is poised to grow by USD 98 bn during 2020-2024, progressing at a CAGR of almost 5% during the forecast period. Based on this information, we may infer that employing remote developers is an efficient and cost-effective method of developing robust products.

But how hiring remote developers can help to cut costs? What’re the benefits of hire web developers and mobile developers remotely? What’s the future of remote hiring?

To help you out with all the questions mentioned above, TechnoScore has conducted in-depth market research. The research covers the essential aspects, including the last year’s development prices, cost-based comparisons, and the region-wise development rates in 2021.

As per our experts- Many enterprises even engage with a software development company, hire web developers and mobile one as a basis for planning or a strategy. As they’ve seen how well this working model delivers high cost-efficiency, agility, and effectiveness, an increasing number of organizations are increasingly hiring and outsourcing their critical business processes to remote employees.


How did offshore software development rates change over the last year?

During the last few years, offshore software development has exploded in popularity. Offshore companies have sprung up around the world; as a result, many more of them guarantee the most excellent service at competitive prices. Building your own offshore workforce for a fraction of the cost may seem like a desire to experience life. In today’s competitive landscape, hiring is a viable alternative.

In the IT business, the trend toward remote work is only projected to accelerate. That’s because the world of technology advances at a breakneck pace nearly every day. We have observed a global skill shortage in the IT business as technology constantly progresses. As a result, as demand grows, the number of developers available to complete your work is constrained.

Remote work is the industry trend, and many would consider it the beginning of the end in the worldwide pandemic condition. Many firms with their most rigorous and conventional working environments have realized the value of remote work. They’re openly acknowledging the limitless possibilities for growth that remote employment provides.

Besides, remote working gives the flexibility to work when they feel particularly efficient. This will ultimately aid you in increasing the team’s and company’s effectiveness.

Hiring in-house vs. remote developers: which one is best? A cost-based comparison!

As a leading mobile app development company, we have studied which one is the most costly and which one is the wisest option for hiring a developer.

First, let’s start with the,

#1. Hiring in-house developers

Aside from the compensation, having an in-house web or mobile app development team comes with a slew of extra expenses. Check it out:

  • The cost incurred in recruiting process
  • Taxes
  • Infrastructure
  • Allowances
  • Other expenses

#2. Hiring remote developers

The only costs involved with hiring developers are recruiting people and the developers’ salaries, which are calculated on a per-hour basis. After you’ve hired a workforce, all you have to do now is communicate with them about project status.

So, which one is best?

Hiring a remote mobile or web development company provides an essential experience as well as a high level of flexibility. Hiring staff for in-house development, on either hand, requires a lot of time and work. All of your time and resources will be for naught if you can’t keep your staff in the coming years. So make an informed decision!

As we’ve done with the comparison between in-house and remote developers, now, have a look on,

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Advantages of hiring remote developers!

Well, according to our TechnoScore experts, hiring remote web or mobile app developers will offer ample benefits to businesses, few of them are:

  • No infrastructure cost

    – Remote web or mobile app developers save your company money by reducing the price of hiring full-time employees. There’s no need to spend money on workstations and other corporate necessities. You can save money by not purchasing the instruments needed to provide in-house training.

    Furthermore, costs related to utilities such as power, food & refreshments, commuting, internet, and so on are immediately reduced.

  • Work continuity –

    Assuring that you will be able to finish and complete the work. Hiring remote web developers allows you to do work without interruption. You may focus and concentrate on your primary business successfully and efficiently while your project is being created.

    This enables you to focus on your business demands and requirements rather than being distracted by other factors. This allows you to focus on your primary tasks in a more efficient manner.

  • Scalability –

    Hiring a remote web or mobile app development company can help your company expand and scale. How, as this assists you in managing your job successfully and quickly by building projects that sufficiently and effectively suit your business needs.

    Hiring a mobile and web development company for your IT project might help you fill up the gaps in your resources. These are the gaps you have, allowing you to access on-demand resources. This guarantees that your software development projects are completed on time. This occurs without affecting your primary work.

  • Exposure –

    Discovering specialists for in-house development exclusively in your area can be complex, especially if you don’t have any project experience.

    On the other hand, hiring remote web developers offers you access to a limitless depth of potential from across the world that have both the expertise and technical skills to see your project through to completion.

  • Timely delivery –

    Outsourcing takes care of attracting, locating, shortlisting, and employing full-time professionals, allowing you to get started on your project task as soon as possible without interruptions or a need for extra time for recruiting and onboarding.

    By delegating your development operations to a third party, you may focus on the things that need most or have been missed in the past, resulting in faster growth.

  • Helps to focus more on core business –

    The ability to hire mobile app developers or QA experts provides much-needed versatility for a non-technical founder or owner. Owners can concentrate on other essential parts of their organization, including sales, marketing, business development, and client interactions.

    Hiring web and mobile app developers remotely frees up time for founders to focus on core business tasks. Professionals handle development operations, which decreases the burden.

  • Ensures easy project tracking –

    You can effectively monitor the work of a remote developer using various tracking software as you hand over your job or task to them. This will keep you informed about the status of your project and whether it will be completed on time or not.

  • 24*7 support and maintenance –

    Instant pleasure and quick acts have become the norm in today’s environment. Customers will be willing to have your website up and running in minutes, not hours to several days if unavailable.

    Furthermore, your application requires debugging, which must be completed swiftly. This isn’t easy to accomplish unless you have a committed workforce working 24 hours a day, which isn’t feasible.

    Hiring a remote mobile app development company allows you to have a support crew available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, especially when they’re in a remote place.

  • Improves productivity –

    Hire web developers remotely to finish your software project increases your effectiveness and competitiveness at work. This is because you can ensure that you keep the very same standard of effort, even though the crisis has not affected you or your job.

    This is only achievable if your company’s software development services are managed and prioritized correctly. Hiring remote developers can help you do this by allowing you to focus on your project and see it through to execution.

  • Greater efficiency –

    As per Forbes, 91 percent of developers believe that working remotely, autonomously, and at their leisure is more productive. Only 9% of developers believe that working in an office atmosphere will increase their productivity.

  • Improves ROI –

    Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, businesses invest in modern communication, technology, and collaborative tools. All choices, such as online communication, virtual meetings, and online document sharing will be made via remote work. Businesses who engage in modern communications technology will get a better rate of return, notably during a pandemic outbreak.

  • Brings New ideas –

    Remote developers aren’t tied to a single project, and their broad experience allows them to remember outside the box and differently. They can provide you with new and inventive ideas that will benefit your project’s development. Another of the reasons why remote engineers are more motivated and empowered in their job is because of this.

Now, let’s check out,

Also Read: Hiring Web Developer In-House Vs Web Developer Offshore

Region-wise development rates in 2021!

As per our experts’ research- The average cost to hire mobile app developers remotely differs by country. It relies on various elements such as a developer’s experience, programmer skills and knowledge, platform, country’s cost of living, and so on.

So, how does one determine how much it will cost to hire web developers remotely? And how can they understand if it is something they can afford and worthwhile if they don’t know the exact price?

Although it’s tough to provide the average cost of hiring mobile app developers and web in every region, we want you to have a good idea. As a result, we’ll tell you which regions charge what cost.

As per the research average hourly rates of developers (in Dollars) are:

  • US – 25 to 45
  • Asia – 15 to 35
  • Africa – 18 – 35
  • Eastern Europe – 20 to 45

The rates can differ from time to time. So, now let’s move forward and discuss,

How does hiring remote developers help to cut costs?

According to our TechnoScore mobile app development specialists, hiring remote developers will ultimately impact on the costs. To help you understand it how, they have explained a few of the critical reasons-

#1. Low infrastructure costs

Obtaining and maintaining appealing and well-designed workstations equipped with the latest technology and located in an accessible location can be very costly.

Working remotely allows you to save a significant amount of money on technology systems and infrastructure installation and maintenance. The only restriction on where remote workers can work is the necessity for a stable internet connection. Aside from that, pretty much anywhere is perfectly acceptable.

#2. No cost for insurance policies

While operating in open offices increases the risk of getting sick, people who work from home get significantly ill less frequently. FlexJobs polled over 800 employees about their mental health and wellness in collaboration with Mental Health America (MHA).

In comparison to 36% of employees who do not have remote work options, 48 percent of respondents feel their present work-life balancing is outstanding. As a result, if you pay for the health insurance of your remote workers, your rates will be lower.

#3. No or lesser training cost

Specialists do not have the opportunity to broaden their horizons by branching out into new fields. It’s tough to avoid becoming engulfed in routine, especially once company processes have been established. Programmers that specialize in a single area lose knowledge of the entire market.

When the major business procedures are in place, there is a sense of routine and a lack of variation in the task. Companies frequently pay for customized training courses for their staff to improve their abilities or expand their knowledge.

Okay, but

What’s the future of remote hiring?

As an experienced web development company, we find that working remotely is becoming more frequent these days. Technology has progressed to the point that you can phone someone on the opposite side of the planet and feel as if you’re chatting to a neighbor next door. As more businesses migrate to mobile platforms and tech advances are becoming more widespread, companies must build mobile applications to stay competitive.

Companies that opt to form a remote workforce put a lot of effort into developing good practices for working remotely and hiring qualified personnel. Aside from the technical abilities required for the job, successful remote web and mobile app developers must have excellent communication skills and the appropriate mindset for working in a distributed team.

Your development capability will be scaled, and your company’s revenue will be long-term. On the other hand, Freelancers add value to projects with a defined scope in the near term. You can check here- top mobile app developers in the UK.

Hire Outsource Web and Mobile App Developers Now!

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What factors must companies consider to hire remote developers India?

To hire mobile app developers or web remotely, you need to follow the below-mentioned points:

  • Schedule an interview –

    To evaluate the remote team of engineers’ technical skills, arrange a technical interview/test and a live video chat session. In real-time, assess their analytical abilities, code quality, and logical reasoning.

    A systematic interview procedure can make hiring highly qualified developers from all across the world a lot easier. Assessing your candidate’s talents early in the interview process is the key to minimizing hiring time and cost to acquire measures.

  • Check their portfolio –

    You must assess their level of skill when selecting your potential remote development crew. This will assist you in determining whether a remote mobile app development company has sufficient experience to complete your job. Viewing the portfolio of your possible remote staff is a vital part.

  • Evaluate their skills –

    Throughout an interview, assess the shortlisted software developers, methodology, and BPM approach. You could ask somebody to finish a time-delayed or real-time test task to see what they’re skilled at.

  • Define communication channels –

    When reaching out to potential remote software engineers, use an open communication gateway. Give them the details of your project and ask if they have any questions.

    Attempt to glean as much information about their work, experience, expectations, and special requirements. If you’re thinking about forming a team, make sure you spend time surveying their responses. Because your money and time are on the line, you should be confident in the decision you make.

  • Clear your requirements –

    If you don’t know what your project needs and what talents and expertise you need through your development team, you won’t hire the best remote developers effectively. Consider your requirements and write them down in detailed task specifications.

  • Choose outsourcing services –

    When it relates to talent, the possibilities are limitless. However, if you become overpowered, this can be a disadvantage. Attempt to locate a source for identifying talent that is beneficial to you.

    You must select whether, use IT services, or outsource a software development team to an offshore location. Once you’ve made your decision, you’ll be able to pick a developer source that best suits your needs.

Final words

Hiring remote professionals can bring about the shift that the IT sector has needed for many years due to the epidemic. Hiring a remote web development company is a proven approach whether you’re a startup working on building quickly or an established firm looking to expand its competence.

Look for developers who have technical talents and the essential skills needed to communicate and collaborate effectively and efficiently in a remote setting. You can recruit remote developers even though you don’t have any recruitment skills or technical experience by following the steps outlined herein. Simply follow them and make room for every business potential to showcase itself.

If you are looking to hire web developers or mobile app developers, feel free to get in touch with us. We are a leading web and mobile app development company that offers hire remote developers services per our client’s convenience and budget. We assure you that our multiple hiring models will provide a best-in-class remote mobile app development team at pocket-friendly prices. Reach out to us; we are just a ping away.


TechnoScore Brought to you by the Marketing & Communications Team at TechnoScore. In this space, we share the Web, & Mobile App Development updates along with our perspective on the same & industry challenges. Join our mailing list to stay ahead of the curve.