September 16, 2020

The Future Of On-demand Mobile App Development Post The Covid-19 Episode In The US

The Coronavirus outbreak has not only affected the lives of millions of people, but has also pushed the economy in the doom. On one hand, lockdown has forced people to stay indoors and shut down their businesses, on the other hand, the position of the mobile app industry during coronavirus has improved at a fast pace. In a nutshell, it is clear that the mobile app industry is growing exponentially with no end in sight. Some of you might wonder how that is even possible, especially during these unprecedented times, when the majority of businesses are doing everything to stay afloat in such a crumbling market condition.

The highlights of the content are as follows:

  • How On-Demand Mobile App Development Is Growing During Covid-19

  • Mobile App Spending To Double By 2024

  • Most Profitable Industries Solutions In The Current Market

  • Why Should You Take Your Business Online?

  • 25 Top Industries App Ideas And Solutions Amidst Covid-19

How On-demand Mobile App Development is Growing During Covid-19

It doesn’t really matter which part of the world you live in, the Coronavirus outbreak has forced billions of people to stay home under lockdown and strictly follow the government’s guidelines for social distancing. However, this has caused a bigger challenge for people to manage their essential commodities, such as food, groceries, medical supplies, to name a few. In such a scenario, the people are left with no other option but to make use of the various available on-demand applications catering to the basic needs. And needless to say, it also pushed many businesses to enter the industry to render essential on-demand services by creating a strong business presence online. Infact, the on-demand industry has witnessed a constant increase in demand.

There has been an explosive upsurge in app downloads in the United States. As per Statista, the Coronavirus pandemic has impacted the online usage of apps in the US in the fields of Remote work (including the popular video conferencing app Zoom and Microsoft Teams), Education (including Google Classroom and ABCmouse), Grocery delivery (including Instacart and Amazon Prime Now), and Ride share (including Uber and Lyft).

Reasons Why People Are Opting For On-Demand Mobile Applications During Coronavirus

Most of the individuals are going for on-demand mobile app development solutions during these unprecedented times. Some of the prominent reasons for such an increasing demand are as follows:

1. Contactless Deliveries

According to the recent sources, in the wake of Covid-19, just about 95% of US families make use of at least one on-demand app to take care of their needs in these unprecedented times. In fact, Walmart has gained close to 54,000 downloads meanwhile the Target Grocery Delivery app attracted nearly 53,100 downloads.

As the cases of coronavirus are increasing at a fast pace across the globe, there exists fear among people to follow social distancing and avoiding direct contact with the suppliers is the only choice they have. This is when many businesses gradually adopted the on-demand services to ensure minimal contact among the delivery professionals and the people using the app.

Contactless delivery of services has indeed become the prime reason for users to sign in to on-demand mobile applications to fulfill their basic needs.

2. One App – Multiple Choices

When it comes to purchasing anything, whether it is through online mode or offline, it is imperative for consumers to look for the best from the gamut of options available. A software development company of good repute can help you with development of an on-demand app with all the requisite features and functionalities. You can choose to give access to a plethora of options for products and services, and allow your users to pick from them and make a well-informed purchase decision.

Providing multiple choices in a single app is the best way to capture the attention of users who intend to buy online.

3. Easy, Quick & Convenient Shopping Experience

Nobody knows how long this coronavirus pandemic is here to stay in this world. These difficult times have made consumers flock to shops and buy more than the required stock. This overstocking has led to scarcity of items, allowing many shops to shut their business. As far as the on-demand apps are concerned, they have, without a doubt, come up as a boon to the households. They have been working quite impressively with proper planning, taking care of the reorders, and rendering easy, quick and hassle-free shopping experience to the users, that too at the comfort of their homes.

In order to ensure seamless delivery of products and services as well as convenient shopping endeavors, the on-demand apps have played an extremely vital role by coordinating with several delivery professionals and preventing panic-buy.

4. Safety & Hygiene Maintenance

Coronavirus has created havoc and panic among people, which is quite common and natural. People are in a rush to stock up their homes with the essential commodities and safety products. But, the truth is that they aren’t much aware about the virus. So, in order to guide, or precisely educate your customers, it would be a great initiative to elucidate the necessary steps to be taken to maintain the safety and hygiene at homes.

App developers help businesses in customizing the on-demand app with an exclusive feature of protecting your community’s welfare. The intent is to spread hygiene awareness and make consumers feel safe about their orders.

5. Higher Customer Satisfaction Levels

People are scared to step outside of their homes during this pandemic. But, with on-demand applications at the disposal, users don’t have to step out of their homes. They can easily purchase products of their choice through the app and enjoy hassle-free shopping experience. Infact, with same day delivery services, it will further boost the satisfaction levels of customers.

6. A Boost In The Business Revenues

The on-demand apps are a convenient option for users in order to avoid going out and maintain social distancing. In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, on-demand apps facilitate doorstep delivery of products ordered, and that too in the stipulated time frame. And, as the number of users are increasing day by day, these apps render a perfect opportunity for businesses to give a boost to their revenues.

So, these were some of the prime reasons why on-demand mobile app development solutions are growing in demand during coronavirus pandemic.

Mobile app spending to double by 2024

The pandemic is spreading rapidly and has significantly impacted the mobile app industry, and will continue to do so in the future. Based on the latest market forecast 2020-2024 by Sensor Tower, an app intelligence firm, there will be a substantial rise in app downloads for several industries including remote work, education, and more, implying an upsurge in app installs this year and in the years to come. Meanwhile there will be a considerable decline in the downloads of apps pertaining to the ridesharing and food industry. But, the report also states that the economic downturn due to coronavirus will eventually decrease the revenue growth in the following years. However, the mobile app spending will continue to surge worldwide and is expected to double by the year 2024.

Impact On App Store’s Revenue – The COVID-19 Effect

Even though the pandemic has affected the app stores’ revenue, the growth has always been on the positive side. The combined consumer spending of App store and Google Play users is expected to touch $171 billion by 2024. Evidently, it has gone up from $85 billion in the year 2019.

Additionally, the app stores are predicted to attain many milestones as well in the upcoming five years. For instance, the global spending in mobile applications is expected to surpass $100 billion this year, increasing at the rate of approximately 20% year-over-year. The report also states that there will be a remarkable increase in the revenue from non-game mobile apps and that it would surpass the revenue earned from the mobile games by 2024. This upsurge can be witnessed due to a growth in subscriptions, especially in social networking, entertainment, lifestyle, and music app subscriptions.

Now, as far as the revenue from App Store is concerned, it will continue to lead in consumer spending throughout 2024 with a compound annual growth rate of 15.8%, in comparison to Google Play with a growth rate of 13.2%. Furthermore, the five countries that will continue to top the list through 2024 are:

  1. China – Inspite of several regulations on their apps and game publishing, its position will be intact. It is predicted that the App Store spending of the country will reach around $35 billion by 2024.
  2. U.S.
  3. Japan
  4. Great Britain
  5. Taiwan

Impact On Downloads Due To COVID-19

When it comes to app downloads, it has been predicted that there will be a 9% rise from the earlier forecast. The downloads are expected to reach 183.7 billion by 2024. This growth is being witnessed this year when the first-time app installs/downloads were predicted to touch 140.3 billion, a 22% increase from 2019.

Furthermore, the new users of mobile games will reach 74.8 billion, accounting for 41% of new installs. Infact, China will be one of those countries witnessing an overwhelming increase in app downloads this year, especially in the ‘Games’ and ‘Education’ categories. The games licensing freeze as a part of the government regulatory practice has enabled a decline in downloads over the years.

The United States of America (USA) will be witnessing something similar this year due to the coronavirus outbreak. In 2020, there will be a 27% year-over-year rise in downloads, whereas by 2021 and in the upcoming years, the annual growth rate will be around 7%.

Furthermore, India and Brazil are forecasted to witness a slow download growth due to saturated market conditions. Meanwhile, there will be a rise in downloads in Latin America (58%), and Asian markets that are beyond the boundaries of China (82%).

Additionally, in 2022, US will surpass China in App Store downloads to reach the #1 position. The gap between the countries has narrowed down over the years from 3.5 billion in the year 2017 to 1.1 billion in the year 2019. This gap is expected to close during 2020 and the year 2021.

List Of Top 10 Countries By App Store Downloads

Here is a list of countries that will witness a rise in app downloads:

1. China
2. United States
3. Japan
4. Great Britain
5. Russia
6. France
7. Brazil
8. Vietnam
9. Germany
10. Saudi Arabia

Now, let us throw light on some of the most popular industries prevailing in the current market.

Most Profitable Industries Solutions In The Current Market

In the wake of COVID-19, a majority of industries have been adversely affected and are on the brink of bankruptcy. On top of that, the outsourcing agencies are stuck under lockdown and most businesses are not willing to invest in such uncertain circumstances.

In the current scenario, there are specific industries that are still prevailing in the market and, to be precise, yielding profits even during these trying times.

Enlisted below are the seven more promising industries staying afloat even during the global pandemic situation:

  • Food Industry
  • Healthcare Industry
  • Education Industry
  • Logistic & Delivery Industry
  • Film Industry and Live streaming
  • Music Industry
  • Tech SaaS Products Industry

Why Should You Take Your Business Online?

Ever since the lockdown and ‘work from home’ scenarios, there has been a tremendous increase in the demand for online management tools such as Trello, as well as online communication platforms such as Zoom. Infact, the advent of the global pandemic has slimmed down the supply chains as well as international trade. The pandemic has posed a decline of nearly 1% of the global economy, as quoted by the United Nations. As a result of this, businesses are able to find a new line of opportunities to explore in order to give wings to innovation in entrepreneurship.

The global pandemic has affected the economy, and needless to say, the world is facing a global and economic crisis. In the aftermath of the situation, the number of mobile app downloads is expected to double by 2024 and reach 183.7 billion, with an increase of 9% over the previous prediction before the coronavirus.

As far as the online business models are concerned, they are organic in nature and require less human contact, which makes it all the more befitting at this time of need. And so, the best thing that could be done at the moment is making a shift to online businesses. It is a wise decision without a doubt, saving a lot of your resources, causing convenience to your customers, and rendering another chance for most businesses and entrepreneurs.

Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, most consumers have switched to buying things online for most of their needs, giving a considerable rise in online shopping. Hence, as soon as the government announced a complete lockdown, Amazon went all out to say that it is running out of stock of essential household items and the deliveries are also delayed due to a sudden increase in demand. Well, online shopping and deliveries are within the accepted bounds, and facilitate convenience of consumers above all. Online businesses functioning under such unprecedented pandemic situations can not only encourage social distancing and self-quarantine, but also help support the people and the economy as a whole in these trying times.

25 top Industries app ideas and solutions amidst COVID-19

Indisputably, there is a lot of potential for online businesses to grow and succeed in dealing with the challenges during these unprecedented times. Other than this, modern technologies have emerged as a boon to a myriad of problems too! For instance, leading health professionals are taking the chance to gain advantage from AI-based research and bring in more automation to check patients’ symptoms as well as development of various treatments in a fraction of time. They are also making use of robots for weakening the transmission of the virus to the doctors, nurses and other health workers. But, it is not a mandate to include advanced technologies to make an impact in these trying times.

There exists several verticals within the sphere of online business that promise an incremental growth in times like these. Let us take a look at a few of the app ideas to generate some good business during this global crisis:

1. Local Food Delivery App

This app can be used to locate the best and reasonable food delivery service near your area. All that needs to be done is filling up the requisite details including choice of food, delivery location, contact information, etc. and browse through the various available delivery services for the item selected.

2. Tours & Travels With AR/VR

This kind of app will come in handy when you are out of station for a vacation and are looking for famous tourist spots, hotels, restaurants, and other things. With the use of AR navigation, you can shortlist the places you want to visit and make the most of your travel.

3. All-In-One Social App

With this type of app, you can easily access all your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. in a single platform at a given time.

4. Virtual Cooking App

Intelligent cooking is what this app offers. Just like any other cooking app, you can cook something amazing with fewer ingredients. It will first ask you about the available ingredients and then suggest to you the various dishes that can be made using them.

5. Public Transport App

Travelling to an unfamiliar city? No worries! A public transport app is a great idea to figure out the bus routes and consequently pick the most suitable transport option. A custom app development can make this possible for you to be used anywhere, anytime!

6. Tutor4U App

An online tutoring app is something that is quite common. It goes a long way in finding the right tutor that connects the students and the teachers. The most exciting part is that it will allow students to select the teacher of their liking.

7. Online Gaming App

Most people have engaged themselves in some kind of gaming app ever since lockdown was announced, be it car racing, virtual cards, shooting, etc.This app can provide a platform to users to play fish, crazy8, poker, etc. bringing the whole world together with a virtual gaming experience.

8. Book Reviewing App

Book reviews help readers in deciding whether to buy a particular book or not. The app idea could be a stunner if it enables users to simply upload the cover with your mobile device and instantly get reviews/ opinions in real time from online sources.

9. Criminal Activity Tracker

If any crime occurs in your locality, it can be easily tracked with such an app ideation. People can connect with each other and share the experiences online. It can work wonders in cases of fire, theft, murder, assualts of any sort, etc. And if luck is on your side, it could help find criminals too!

An extension of this app could be a police scanner feature enabling an alert about the criminals for the Police to look into.

10. Collective Shopping App

Buying one or two things might cost you more. However, when purchased in bulk, you tend to get benefits, such as special offers, discounts, free delivery, and so on. In order to tackle this problem, you can develop an app to identify users who buy specific products more often and enable them to save more.

11. AI Calendar Scheduler App

Such an app idea can help users in organizing their time by specifying their meeting schedules. This way you can prioritize your everyday tasks and save a lot of time.

12. Smart Device Repairing App

This app idea comes with an intent to repair gadgets at the comfort of your homes. The concept is new and caters to a large segment of users intending to get their smart devices repaired, be it a certain part, or the entire device.

13. Online Coaching Service App

Now wonder people are ready to pay a handsome amount of money to coaching professionals and intellectuals for holistic learning and skill development. Afterall, teaching people online is indeed a great opportunity for new businesses.

14. Life Hacks App

The everyday tasks of an individual becomes easier with simple life hacks. This app idea involves rendering a myriad of tips and tricks for several tricky jobs, such as plumbing, repairing a fan, tying a tie, etc.

15. Fake Detector App

This kind of app will provide a platform to determine whether the product to be bought by the users is original and authentic or not.

16. Song Finder App

The idea behind such an app is to search for the name of the song you heard and liked. The app will identify the song and show the link to download it.

17. Business Tips App

This app can help young entrepreneurs in dealing with complex business problems by going through the various strategies and techniques that contribute to success.

18. Party Organizer App

If a person intends to throw a party or organize any event, he/she can easily do that using this type of app. One can send immediate invites to friends and family through this app via a simple text message.

19. Disaster Management App

This app concept is all about alerting you about any sort of natural disaster that is about to occur near you and suggesting the possible ways to get saved.

20. Let Me Listen

This is the best app idea you’ll ever read. If you are a music lover, you will love it! This kind of app is more than just an ordinary mp3 player. It will be accessing your contact list and letting them know what you are listening to, if you both happen to have the same taste, then you both will be listening to the same song at a particular point of time.

21. Calming App

You are very well aware of the life-changing benefits of meditation. This app allows you to indulge in meditation to help you relax and sleep better.

22. Dating App

What makes this idea unique is that it imports your friends from all the social channels and allows you to rank each other with likes, comments, just friends, repulsive, attractive, would date, and so on. The ones who rank each other with similar comments will be notified.

23. Health Inspector App

This app helps you remember your upcoming health check-up appointments by notifying about them.

24. EMI Calculator

An EMI calculator will come in handy to plan your loans and finances for the future. Be it a home loan, car loan or a personal loan, you can quickly calculate your EMI, affordability, tenure, interest rate, and whatnot!

25. Noise Cancellation App

With this type of app, you can easily block ambient sounds while studying or meditating. It can also be effective for tinnitus, insomnia, and might reduce stress too!


The app ideas discussed above can help businesses stay afloat during these trying times and might as well emerge as an industry leader. So, it doesn’t really matter whether you are operating your business offline, or are planning to initiate and start investing, this is the perfect time to act. Get started and fuel your entrepreneurial capabilities by opting for one of these app ideas.

We, at TechnoScore, render best affordable mobile app development solutions to our clients spanning across the globe. In order to get in touch with us, simply drop us a line or two at


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