November 15, 2017

Magento Business Intelligence: A multi-dimensional Analytics Solution for your Business

One cannot really stress enough how vital analytics are for a business. Analytics are like instructions to run your business, as numbers and trends reveal what patterns to follow and what to avoid. Magento BI is a consolidated analytics solution for your business regardless of scale. It comes with two pricing plans, Magento Business Intelligence Essentials and Pro to accommodate your business as per scale. It has some very unique features that can assist your online business, like:

  • Personalized segmentation
  • Accounted ROI for marketing campaigns
  • Refined customer data
  • Multi-platform analytics

This is how Magento BI can help run your online store:

Seamless data organization

With help of Magento Business Intelligence, your data is presented to you in a well order manner. The data is easily collected and normalized and all the ETL functions are efficiently processed. It also significantly reduces the amount of time needed to collect and arrange data. It supports all versions of Magento.

CRM resources and insights

Magento BI significantly increases your growth prospects and boosts your chances to meet conversion goals. With help of its intuitive dashboards you can easily get reports for vital CRM stats like customer retention, behavioral analysis and repeat buyers. It also integrates numerous third party data sources like Google Analytics, Amazon Redshift, Facebook Ads and Salesforce Desk etc to give you access to vital insights from each source.

Informed decisions made easier

You can make faster informed decisions with either Magento Business Intelligence Essentials or the Pro version. There are no pricing constraints when it comes to relying on credible data. With all the x1x1valuable data accessible at your finger tips, you can act better and quicker than your competitors. Finding your way around BI is as simple as it gets. You can easily navigate the user friendly BI tool without much technical expertise.

Magento BI also provides a variety of frequencies for viewing report like daily , weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually.

Advanced security

Using Magento BI you can easily set permissions for dashboard access in order to avoid unauthorized personnel manipulate or snoop on your vital data reservoir. If you are running an organization, you can grant certain amount of access to dashboards for your members as per necessity.

Get in touch!

Are you looking to power your business with Magento BI? Develop and expand your own online marketplace with certified expertise from Technoscore. Get in touch with us at


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